Saturday, April 7, 2012

Year 2 - Northend Take 1 2009

Continuing through the past, still finishing up 2009. 
Wrath finally hit and to Northend I went.

I took my time coming into the Wrath expansion.  After creating my DK for kicks and giggles, I then returned to my beloved hunter to start exploring the icy new lands that opened up before us.  

I loved the quests and doing the odd jumping off really high things to see if I could live through it :)  just the views were worth the damage.

Virus, my stead fast (and rather sexy green) spiny raptor came along with me.  I'm sure he wasn't thrilled with the icy temperatures but he took it good naturally as always.

I think my all time favorite quest and yes, a girly squeee must be inserted here, were the murloc quests.  I mean come on, baby murlocs <3

And that's when I discovered the rare spirit beasts.  Of course, at the time, there was only a handful.  Tiger with green eyes?  I had to have it.  I fell in love with Gondria's skin and design and spent all my waking time hunting for her/him (given on what lore you follow).

One thing you learn as a hunter is hunting rares can take a long time, if you don't have the patience for long camps, you're better off stalking the common animals.  Twice I missed him, once he was even dead.  I camped for several weeks, my guild thought I was nuts.  I checked before and after work and in between the occasional raid and dungeon until one morning, right before work, I logged on to see him pacing right in front of me.  No time for screenshots!  Panicked that someone would either come to kill or steal him from me, I dropped a freeze trap.  He lunged at me, I hit tame and prayed.  Several hours seconds later, he was sitting beside me.  It was the first real rush taming a rare I've ever had and it's still one of my best memories.

Virus took a much deserved vacation into warmer regions and my new spirit beast, named Illusion on the spot, became my new go-to pet.  Ever the curious cat, I had a lot of fun running around with him snapping screenshots like a mad-woman along the way.


Along my crazy adventures in the frozen lands, I also found a wonderful fishing companion.  When I wasn't dishing out bullets in someone's face, I liked to bring this guy out.  Having a giant rhino named ThunderBrew while you fished lakes and rivers just brought a great big smile to my face.

That's about when the new Venomhide Raptor quests came along.  So, leaving Northend for a while, me and my friend/guild mate Arch raced to see who could get their new raptor mount the fastest.

After killing more raptors then I care to mention and Zed beating me to the finish line.  Another mount joined my ever growing collection.

Then it was back and forth, doing quests, gathering more mounts and hunting for pets that struck my fancy at the time.  And of course, lets not forget the mammoth runs through Dalaran and Orgimmar.

Not only did I get my polar bear mount but I also got my 50 mount achievement and a gorgeous albino drake as my reward <3

And to end 2009 with a extra special treat, I started hunting Arcturis.  And much to my surprise as well as a short camp that involved me waking up with his big blue butt in my face at 3 in the morning.  This gorgious spirit bear was mine.  He attracted his fair share of druids.... a start to every hunter's dream.

All in good time druids, you will be ours.  To be continued...


  1. I really enjoy reading your lookback-posts, it's like they set me back to that time when I experienced them or similarities myself. :)

  2. Thank you <3 I'm having fun returning to the days of the past and reminiscing, I'm just glad I took so many screenshots.
