Thursday, April 12, 2012

Year 3 - Pet Stories of 2010 Part 2

Take II as I finish off 2010 (aka continuing through the past)
Expect a lot of images and a lot of mini stories -cackle-

After my biggest win of capturing King Krush, it was off to finish off my tier and satisfy my need for the rest of every green pet available in warcraft.... even if some of them just had green eyes like this pretty golden worm.

Green cat. Check.  Green dog.  Double Check.

And of course, can't forget a awesome screenshot with a helboar and warcraft's new lighting.

Do some old quests and have a blast taking some really fun screenshots in the process.

And then find out about Chromaggus.... 

He wasn't green but he was unique, a two headed dragon that breathed smoke. 
I needed another corehound like a hole in the head....  Everyone to Blackwing Lair!

This time I had my guild's support and we trucked in and crushed the place, nearly killing the corehound boss I was trying to tame and finishing up with a party on the old dragon's head.  Cheers!


And so then finally, after a very long winded travel into my past few years of playing.  
To the new expansion I went, hunting for fresh thrills and long camps.  See you all there as I hit up 2011 ;)


  1. I love your stories! They're so entertaining and you're screenshots are so pretty! :)
