After a fun and exhausting trip through my past I'm almost back to the present. Of course, can't explore without becoming even more addicted by the world of mounts, specially when you're aiming for the achievement for 100.
For those aiming for such a obsession, is a great place to start.
After already getting your 50 tooling around the old world and northend, you start out easy like finally getting around the AQ raid and stomping it flat with over-geared toons. I still think it's a shame you can't use these gorgeous bugs outside of its walls.
Then you spend your next several weeks, months... years... grinding for the Raven Lord mount. I never want to see Sethekk Halls again, not even on a new toon. Never. Again.
Have some fun digging and get the undead raptor mount, as well as help your guild mates in Argent Crusader with their own goals.
Then reap the benefits of TB and collect your drake and watch the world burn... wait, what.
Mount, pose and flaunt your years of work for all to see <3
Next stop, hunter pets galore!
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