Monday, October 15, 2012

Year 4 - End of 2011

Finally, my last post of 2011.

The past has finally caught up with me as I finish off the year, trying to catch up to the end of Cataclysm and on to MoP.

Enjoyed some time in the new Orgimmar with my ghost wolf and several of my best friends and guild mates while we brought out all our devilsaurs and raptors out for kicks <3

Had some crazy fun in dungeons to pass the time with rabbit attacks, corehounds and motorcycles, oh my.

Had some fun doing old world quests.  Arr! 
The windrider ones were some of my favorites.  
Those babies <3

Some of my favorite shots in the new areas and enjoying the sights with my collection of pets.

And how can we end 2011 'cept with x-mas gifts and songs.  
2012, finally here I come!

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